
I'd like to recode (reverse) a list of 24 dichotomous variables (0/1).
The following should illustrate the problem:

webuse auto, clear
gen foreign_copy1 = foreign
gen foreign_copy2 = foreign
gen foreign_copy3 = foreign
gen foreign_copy4 = foreign
gen foreign_copy5 = foreign

foreach v of var(foreign   ///
foreign_copy1 ///
foreign_copy2 ///
foreign_copy3 ///
foreign_copy4 ///
foreign_copy5) {
    recode `var' (0 = 1 "named") (1 = 0 "not named"), gen(`var'_e)
Stata responds:
"too few variables specified", same using wildcards:
foreach v of var(foreign foreign_copy*) {
    recode `var' (0 = 1 "named") (1 = 0 "not named"), gen(`var'_e)
What's wrong with the code?
(The real - confidential - data of course have different distributions in each of the 24 variables, but the code stays the same,)
