Hi there

Stata/IC version 16.1 on Windows 10

Is there a way to swap the information displayed on the Windows 10 window title bar and thereby on the taskbar (when buttons are ungrouped) so that the name of the current file appears first and "Stata/IC 16.1 appears second. With the buttons ungrouped and multiple files open, the title gets truncated just after the filename begins so I can't differentiate the different instances and have to click through to find the dataset i want to work with. Same goes for the do-file Editor window.


Current behaviour:

Window full title as it appears on the title bar: "Stata/IC 16.1 - C:\Stata\Maritz2\maritz.dta"

Window title as it appears on the taskbar: "Stata/IC 16.1 C:\S..."

Problem: Cannot identify which dataset is open in this instance of Stata by looking at the taskbar

Preferred behaviour:

Window full title as it would appear on the title bar: "C:\Stata\Maritz2\maritz.dta - Stata/IC 16.1"

Window title as it would appear on the taskbar: "C:\Stata\Maritz2..."

Sorry if I am missing an obvious setting or I am duplicating a previous similar question.

Many thanks
