I am trying to make a 2 rows, 3 columns table using esttab. Every item/observation in this table should show 2 numbers from previously calculated matrices separated by commas and the table should be produced in Latex. I am using the following commands on Stata but not getting the desired result (meanvec, meanvec1, meanvec2, meanvec3, meanvec4 and meanvec5 are matrices with 1 row and 2 columns and store results after running a program and a loop 1000 times):

mat Sigma1 = [meanvec[1,1], meanvec[1,2] \ meanvec3[1,1], meanvec3[1,2]]
mat Sigma2 = [meanvec1[1,1],meanvec1[1,2] \ meanvec4[1,1],meanvec4[1,2]]
mat Sigma3 = [meanvec2[1,1],meanvec2[1,2] \ meanvec5[1,1],meanvec5[1,2]]
mat Simulation = [Sigma1, Sigma2, Sigma3]
mat colnames Simulation= "Sigma1" "Sigma2" "Sigma3"
mat rownames Simulation="N=50" "N=1000"

esttab m(Simulation, fmt(%9.2f)) using "${home}/tables/matrix1.tex", replace title(MSE Simulations) nomtitles booktabs

I am new to Stata and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!