The topf and botf options to -tabout- don't appear to be replacing the top and bottom of the latex document.

Here is an example:

top.tex contents:








\begin{tabularx} {#} {@{} l Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y@{}} \\

bot.tex contents:





\scriptsize{\emph{Source: }#}



tabout command:

sysuse nlsw88, clear

tabout race union using table1.tex, ///
cells(freq col) format(1) clab(Freq Col_%) ///
replace ///
style(tex) bt font(bold) cl1(2-7) cl2(2-3 4-5 6-7) ///
topf(top.tex) botf(bot.tex) topstr(14cm) botstr(nlsw88.dta)
If I run the tabout command in the same directory as top.tex and bot.tex the output is:








\begin{tabularx} {14cm} {@{} l Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y@{}} \\





\begin{tabularx} {14} {@{} l Y Y Y @{}}


& \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{union worker}}  \\


 & \textbf{nonunion} & \textbf{union} & \textbf{Total} \\


 & Freq & Freq & Freq \\


\textbf{race} \\

white & 1051.0 & 302.0 & 1353.0 \\

black & 350.0 & 151.0 & 501.0 \\

other & 16.0 & 8.0 & 24.0 \\

Total & 1417.0 & 461.0 & 1878.0 \\









\scriptsize{\emph{Source: }nlsw88.dta}



The above latex document produces an error when typesetting.

I expected the contents of top.tex to replace this section of the output:




\begin{tabularx} {14} {@{} l Y Y Y @{}}

Instead, top.tex is just placed on top of the above code. Is this the intended output?