
I want to compare the effect of one variable (i.e. public debt) on a dependent variable (i.e. public investment) across three subgroups:
  • Countries where the average debt ratio is below the 34th percentile
  • Countries where the average debt ratio is between the 34th percentile and the 67th percentile
  • Countries where the average debt ratio is above the 67th percentile
I started with a subgroup analysis, where I split up the full sample in three, according to the average debt ratio of the country:

PHP Code:
DEBT 3 groups **
xtabond2 ipub l
.ipub l.gov_deb cycle Lgdicap  l.ipriv l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.trade f.expectations i.year if country==1country==2|country==4|country==6|country==9|country==12|country==14|country==16|country==23gmm(l.ipub l.gov_deb l.ipriv cycle  l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.tradelag(2 8)collapseiv(Lgdicap f.expectations i.yearnolevel cluster() artest(3)
outreg2 using appendix5.docstats(coef se blankasterisk(coefdec(3replace ctitle(high)

xtabond2 ipub l
.ipub l.gov_deb cycle Lgdicap  l.ipriv l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.trade f.expectations i.year if country==7country==10country==11|country==13|country==20|country==21|country==22|country==25|country==28gmm(l.ipub l.gov_deb l.ipriv cycle  l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.tradelag(2 7)collapseiv(Lgdicap i.year f.expectations nolevel cluster() artest(3)
outreg2 using appendix5.docstats(coef se blankasterisk(coefdec(3append ctitle(medium)

xtabond2 ipub l
.ipub l.gov_deb cycle Lgdicap  l.ipriv l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.trade f.expectations i.year if country==3|country==5country==17|country==18|country==19|country==24country==26|country==27gmm(l.ipub l.gov_deb l.ipriv cycle  l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.tradelag(4 8)collapseiv(Lgdicap i.year f.expectations nolevel cluster() artest(3)
xtabond2 ipub l.ipub l.gov_deb cycle Lgdicap  l.ipriv l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.trade f.expectations i.year if country==3|country==5country==8|country==17|country==18|country==19|country==24country==26|country==27gmm(l.ipub l.gov_deb l.ipriv cycle  l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield l.tradelag(2 8)collapseiv(Lgdicap i.year f.expectations nolevel cluster() artest(3)
outreg2 using appendix5.docstats(coef se blankasterisk(coefdec(3append ctitle(low
The results are as expected: the coefficient of public debt is larger (and statistically significant) in the high debt group.

I got feedback that I should try testing this with interactions terms, but I am struggling a bit with (i) how to model this in Stata and (ii) how to interpret the regression results.
Am I correct that I
  • should create a one dummy which = 1 if the country is in the low debt group and another dummy which = 1 if the country is in the high debt group;
  • insert both dummies + the interaction between each dummy and public debt in my regression?
Which test can I use to test to compare the effect of public debt on public investment for each country group?

Thank you for your help,
