In my example, delta1 = 0.05 (y-axis) has the width is larger than delta 2 = 0.2 (x-axis). Now, I want the width of delta 1 and delta 2 are the same.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(month mean_lnpr change_spr) 456 . . 457 -.012707757 .019999966 458 .010914537 -.0599999 459 -.031224454 -.030000135 460 -.016030535 -.019999966 461 -.019678574 .019999966 462 -.04870307 -.009999797 463 -.10341889 .0599999 464 .05016299 .24999976 465 -.021242706 3.72529e-07 466 .003762972 . 467 -.00563306 -.09000003 468 -.021960266 .11 469 -.03802032 -.03999993 470 -.023665084 -.0400003 471 .067306496 .019999966 472 .0206784 -.0599999 473 .0004590258 -.2700001 474 -.02653531 -.01000017 475 -.03900745 -.1899995 476 -.0344338 .1000002 477 -.033056814 -.14999993 478 -.018032696 .20999946 479 -.003666928 -.009999797 480 -.0106339 -.07000007 481 -.01839246 .11 482 .004777093 .009999424 483 .030778 .04000068 484 -5.291117e-06 -.21000057 485 .008179313 .29000044 486 .04986938 .05999953 487 -.03466524 .09000003 488 .007029713 .07000044 489 -.02866596 .03999993 490 -.013984645 .02999976 491 .034782033 . end format %tmMonth_CCYY month
twoway (scatter mean_lnpr change_spr,msymbol(S) msize(small)) /// (lfit mean_lnpr change_spr,lpattern(shortdash_dot)) /// (qfit mean_lnpr change_spr,lpattern(dash)), /// ytitle(Monthly Equity Returns ) xtitle(Monthly Changes in the Default Spread) graphregion(color(white)) /// legend(label(2 "Linear Prediction Line") label(3 "Quadratic Prediction Line") order(2 3))
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