Hi all, I want to get rid of the "main" writing on top of my list of variables in the regression table for esttab.

I have tried editing out individual parts of my code to no avail.

This is the code I am using:

#delimit ;
esttab Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af, b(a3) se(a3) star(+ 0.15 * 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
r2(3) ar2(3) scalars(F) nogaps modelwidth()
keep(elect_year  gdp_growth_l  sp500_rtrn_l  tcap_util_l  ltm_intrst_l  n_ipo_l  hot_ipo_mkt)
title(Table 3A: OLS and Tobit with fixed effects estimations)
mgroups("OLS" "OLS" "OLS" "Tobit" "Tobit" "Tobit", pattern(1 1 1 1 1 1))
addnote(a3: 3 decimal places used)
#delimit cr