I am stuck trying to organize my large dataset for participants with ethnicity records.
There are multiple entries per participant and for ethnicity records there is one of the following conditions:

a)multiple similar records
b)multiple discrete records
c)no records

In case of a and c, I want the dataset unchanged, but where there are multiple discrepant records I would like STATA to either choose the most frequent/common record or when there is no particular common record to choose randomly any of those recorded codes.

I would very much appreciate if you may kindly help me out.

To illustrate, the dataset looks similar to that:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float patid str7 code str11 group
1 "9t09.00" "Pakistani"  
1 ""        ""          
1 ""        ""          
1 "9t09.00" "Pakistani"  
1 "9t09.00" "Pakistani"  
1 "9SA7.00" "Indian"    
1 "9iA2.00" "Kashmiri"  
1 "9t09.00" "Pakistani"  
2 ""        ""          
2 ""        ""          
2 ""        ""          
2 ""        ""          
3 ""        ""          
3 "9t14.00" "Asian white"
4 "9SA9.00" "Scotish"    
4 "9SA9.00" "Scotish"    
4 "9t20.00" "British"    
4 "9t20.00" "British"    
5 ""        ""          
5 ""        ""          
5 "9SA9.00" "Scotish"    
patid is the participant ID
code is the ethnicity codes
group is the groups I've made to categories the codes.

Thank you.