
I am getting a 'type mismatch' error when running an nbreg regression with the 'fp' command, but do not get the error message when I run the regression by itself (see below). I am using Stata 15.1, and the dataset is relatively small (n=123). I am also specifying ", irr vce(boot)" in the command.

The term I am interested in transforming is a positive integer with no zero values (RTv_pDAY).

Your help is appreciated,

. fp <RTv_pDAY>:nbreg aRT_AWB POP_10 logJOB_11 Veh_HU AvgDIST_mt <RTv_pDAY> n_PKG BUS_ACCe Com
> mtr_L Terminal TrnfHUB ///
> Fwy_ROW OneWay BRT_Silver if RT_STATION!="ARTESIA TRANSIT CENTER", irr vce(boot)
type mismatch

end of do-file
