Hi all,
Im very new user to STATA. I have the code below and am wanting to create a panel of scatter plots by a grouping variable (country).
I cannot seem to find where to add this grouping into the code.
Any help would be appreciated. thanks

twoway (scatter recoverylatitude_c recoverylongitude if conditionaliveordead=="Alive", mcolor(pink) msymbol(square)) ///
(scatter recoverylatitude_c recoverylongitude if conditionaliveordead=="Dead", mcolor(green) msymbol(D)) ///
(scatter recoverylatitude_c recoverylongitude if conditionaliveordead=="Unknown", mcolor(red) msymbol(O)), ///
title("Scatter plot of Recovery Latitude & Recovery Longitude, Finland", size(med)) ///
ytitle("Recovery latitude (degrees)", size(med)) ///
xtitle("Recovery longitude (degrees)", size(med)) ///
legend(label(1 "Alive") label(2 "Dead") label(3 "Unknown") subtitle("Survival Status", size(med)) size(med)) ///