Hello everyone,

I have a panel of 68 countries that are observed from 1989-2012. I am trying to make a graphical illustration of my variables of interest "market capitalization, turnover ratio and value traded". I have put these variables separately in an excel file (+ the years). I am typing the following 4 commands however, I am not obtaining the graph that I excepted to see (attached file). Maybe the reason is that sometimes these variables are not observed in some years. Nevertheless, i do not know how to overcome this problem. Any help would be highly appreciated.

egen TRatio=mean( Tratio ), by(year)
egen VTraded=mean( Vtraded ), by(year)
egen MCap=mean( Mcap ), by(year)
twoway (line Tratio year , sort)(line VTraded year, sort ) (line VTraded year, sort clpattern(dash)), ytitle("Finance/GDP") xtitle("Year") title("Mean")