Dear all
I have to perform a survival analysis using data with repated observations: for each country I collected some variables once a year for a period of 30 years (1990-2020).
If in that time range the event happens, then it stays to 1 for the remaining observations. Covariates are always the same and change over time.
Here is a sample:
Albania 2017 0 1 37.61 1.11 57.38 0
Albania 2018 0 1 40.08 1.17 54.96 0
Albania 2019 0 1 41.71 1.27 59.78 0
Algeria 1990 0 0 179.15 1.46 10.29 0
Algeria 1991 0 0 182.99 1.21 11.01 0
Algeria 1992 0 0 190.15 2.14 11.15 11812846
Algeria 1993 0 0 190.57 2.51 10.99 10236932
I have declared the data to be surivival data. Then I summarized the data using Agency as a group variable (1/0), and charted the Kaplan Meier survival curve:

This is not readable. How can I show only the years after 1990? I tried with axis scale property, but it does not work. Any suggestions?

Now I would like to run Cox hazard regression in order to weigh the coviariates that determine risk. Is it the appropriate model?
Should I use any precaution, given the repeated observations?