I have some questions of how to draw cumulative incidence plot using Stata.
What I have is typical survival data:
- outcome: development of CVD (0/1)
- exposure: RA (0/1)
- censoring: death during follow-up, emigration during follow-up or end of study (0/1)
- follow-up time in years
stset time, f(status == 1)
stcompet ci = ci, compet1(2)
gen si_ci2 = ci if status == 2
gen aids_ci2 = ci if status == 1
gen aids_s2 = 1 - aids_ci2
label variable aids_s2 "Aids-free survival (corrected)"
label variable aids_s "Aids-free survival (naive)"
label variable si_ci2 "Cum. Inc. of SI (corrected)"
label variable si_ci "Cum. Inc. of SI (naive)"
graph tw line aids_s2 si_ci2 aids_s si_ci time if time <= 13, ///
lcolor(navy maroon ltblue erose)
What I'm confused about is that in my study death during follow-up is the only competing event, and I classified it into censor. Then what should I specify in -stcompet- ? Or this coding does not apply to my data?
Does anyone have any suggestion about this? If possible, I also would like to know how to generate life table along with cumulative incidence plot.
Thank you in advance!
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