I'm using Stata 16.1 on Window 10. I have unbalanced panel data with 52 variables and 953 observations. Variables id, fyear and cf refer to unique identifier, fiscal year and cash flows, respectively. I want to generate a new variable that is equal to cashflow_t -cashflow_t-1 so that I can measure growth in cash flow. Below is a sample of the data set.

dataex id fyear cf

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long id double fyear float cf
16902008 2008     4650
16902009 2009     8593
16902010 2010    14790
16902011 2011    27329
16902012 2012    44416
16902013 2013    42638
16902014 2014    46476
16902015 2015    62609
16902016 2016    53591
16902017 2017    55006
16902018 2018    68193
16902019 2019    65996
21842008 2008     2142
21842009 2009     2429
21842010 2010     2614
21842011 2011     2581
21842012 2012     1913
21842013 2013     1388
21842014 2014     1970
21842015 2015     1659
21842016 2016     1778
21842017 2017     1818
21842018 2018     2312
21842019 2019     2413
28072008 2008  177.429
28072009 2009  208.303
28072010 2010  232.863
28072011 2011  248.535
28072012 2012  257.496
28072013 2013  297.895
28072014 2014  377.964
28072015 2015  437.092
28072016 2016   416.65
28072017 2017  589.813
28072018 2018  503.929
28072019 2019  568.439
28182008 2008   49.041
28182009 2009   63.347
28182010 2010   75.627
28182011 2011   82.863
28182012 2012   80.457
28182013 2013   72.955
28182014 2014    79.14
28182015 2015   86.613
28182016 2016   63.063
28182017 2017   23.186
28182018 2018   42.029
28182019 2019   45.346
38132008 2008     4906
38132009 2009     5312
38132010 2010     5761
38132011 2011     5926
38132012 2012     5742
38132013 2013     5063
38132014 2014     5687
38132015 2015     5737
38132016 2016     5975
38132017 2017     6034
38132018 2018     5838
38132019 2019     6324
39642008 2008  314.278
39642009 2009  402.892
39642010 2010  508.284
39642011 2011  741.716
39642012 2012  653.063
39642013 2013  634.313
39642014 2014  637.208
39642015 2015  566.322
39642016 2016  481.486
39642017 2017  510.601
39642018 2018  454.273
39642019 2019  367.031
40162008 2008  761.765
40162009 2009 1041.784
40162010 2010  1160.05
40162011 2011     1310
40162012 2012 1404.644
40162013 2013 1468.671
40162014 2014 1509.577
40162015 2015  1609.95
40162016 2016 1727.554
40162017 2017 2068.529
40162018 2018 2178.296
40162019 2019 2348.933
40722008 2008  118.784
40722009 2009  122.162
40722010 2010  222.505
40722011 2011      278
40722012 2012    316.7
40722013 2013    408.4
40722014 2014    386.1
40722015 2015    377.9
40722016 2016    653.2
40722017 2017    876.5
40722018 2018    522.6
40722019 2019    197.5
46112008 2008     2789
46112009 2009     2491
46112010 2010     2589
46112011 2011     2752
Problem I have
- I use the following code and get missing value instead of getting the intended new variable.

by id (fyear), sort: gen cfg = cf - cf[_n-1]
(953 missing values generated)

Please let me know if my request is not clear and I could provide additional information. Thanks.