
l am working about cross-classified multilevel model

dependent variable : immigration y/n (binary, immigration : 1, none : 0), level1 : personal variable, level2 : move-out reigon(varlist : depid_), level2: move-in region(varlist : arrid_)

meqrlogit immigration(binary) || all : R.depid_(move-out region) || arrid_(move-in region): , or var

1st question : i use "var" option. but, didn't report the result of variance(residual). what's the problem?

2nd question : the result of the variance of move-in region(varlist : arrid_) is too big(12120.38 vs. move out region : 0.0000001). and also the result of std.err. is too big. perhaps it seems this result isn't accuracy?

3rd question : process time about the model is too long(30 minute). do you know more faster method to solve the problem?

i need your help about that question. plz

thank you