Hi everyone,
I'm running a two-stage IPD meta-analysis by using ipdmetan:
ipdmetan, study(StudyID) random(reml) title(RMS-EO-AP) texts(110) forest(favours(Control # LBP)): xtmixed RMS i0.Group c.Age i.Sex c.BMI if Eyes==3 & Direction==1
I would like to ask about how to calculate the standardized mean difference as when I added esize(hedgesg):
ipdmetan, study(StudyID) random(reml) esize(hedgesg) title(RMS-EO-AP) texts(110) forest(favours(Control # LBP)): xtmixed RMS i0.Group c.Age i.Sex c.BMI if Eyes==3 & Direction==1
I received an error message "option hedgesg is incompatible with command-based syntax (Syntax 1)".
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