
I'd like to export a frequency (one-way) table using svyset. The table would include:
* the number of observations
* the proportion
* the number of weighted observation
* the proportion of weighted observation.
I'm able to generate the four matrices but am struggling to combine them into a single matrix, as well as including the region names (not the numeric value)

    webuse nhanes2
    svyset psu [pweight=finalwgt], strata(strata)
    svy: tabulate region,  count se
    local row=e(r)
    local tot_obs=e(N)
    mat b1=e(b)
    * Weighted proportions
    mat wp1=e(Prop)
    * obs
    mat obs=e(Obs)
    mata: sum(st_matrix("e(b)"))
    * Weighted obs
    matrix weighted_obs=J(`row', 1, 0)
    forvalues i=1/`row' {
        matrix weighted_obs[`i', 1]=b1[1, `i']
    * Proportions
    matrix prop=J(`row', 1, 0)
    forvalues i=1/`row' {
        matrix prop[`i', 1]=round(100*obs[`i', 1]/`tot_obs', 0.01)
    * Weighted Proportions
    matrix weighted_prop=J(`row', 1, 0)
    forvalues i=1/`row' {
        matrix weighted_prop[`i', 1]=round(100*wp1[`i', 1], 0.01)
    * Obs
    mat li obs
    * Proportion
    mat li prop
    * Weighted obs
    mat li weighted_obs
    * Weighted prop
    mat li weighted_prop
Any suggestion on how to do it, either to export in Latex or Word format? Asdoc and putdocx do not allow pweights. Moreover, I would like to loop the above code over a significant number of variables so would like to automatize the process.

Thank you