I have data like this
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float date byte firm float(y x) 13179 1 .02249275 .023846 13179 2 .02473811 .023846 13179 3 .02917535 .023846 13179 4 -.003698677 .023846 13179 5 .01971747 .023846 13179 6 .004339309 .023846 13179 7 .021966416 .023846 13179 8 .009107822 .023846 13179 9 .022625485 .023846 13179 10 .02582048 .023846 13179 11 .029426813 .023846 13179 12 .028985094 .023846 13179 13 .006517308 .023846 13179 14 .023857683 .023846 13179 15 .03715372 .023846 13208 1 .02372855 .012409 13208 2 .013736684 .012409 13208 3 -.0009553593 .012409 13208 4 .033223897 .012409 13208 5 .011025373 .012409 13208 6 .001453319 .012409 13208 7 .013162767 .012409 13208 8 .02752227 .012409 13208 9 .01317317 .012409 13208 10 .01949181 .012409 end format %td date2
1. How can I estimate the OLS regression (y on x) , but for each firm. For example, I have 10 firms through the period (monthly data) , and I want to see the intercept's of 10 firms in 10 OLS regressions.
2. How can I show the frequency for distributions of t-statistic of the intercept (or any variables that we want) for my whole sample?
for example: we can divide my frequency for range of t-statistic into 10 interval, and calculate let Stata count how many firm we have for each interval of t-statistic
Thank you for your consideration
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