Hello everyone,

I am always being helped a lot from past threads, but this time I need to start a new thread for the first time. I am using the SSC command COEFPLOT to show estimates and CIs stored in a matrix. The matrix looks like this
. mat list m

           c1         c2         c3         c4
r1          .  .29655437  .38183091          .
r2          .   .0331602  .13471977          .
r3          .  .55994854  .62894205          .
where the first row is for the estimates, and the second and the third rows are for the lower- and upper-CIs. I am trying to show this set of results using coefplot this way
. coefplot matrix(m), ci((2 3)) vert
(m: b missing for some coefficients)
(m: CI1 missing for some coefficients)

I am getting the two notes from the command perhaps because the first and last columns are missing. What I want to do is to show the value range between -.1 to .5, while at the same time trimming the CIs which extends beyond these thresholds, by transform() option
. coefplot matrix(m), ci((2 3)) vert ylab(-.1(.1).5) transform(*=min(max(@,-.1),.5))
(m: b missing for some coefficients)
(m: CI1 missing for some coefficients)

I want to leave the plot blank for the first and last columns to show that there is no estimate for these cases. But when using the transform() option, the missing values are (rightly) indicated by markers at the lower end of the plot region. How can I 'remove' these markers while trimming the plot region from the top and the bottom? Is using transform() the way to go?