Dear all,

I would very much appreciate your help with calculating r-squared for models estimated with mi estimate command. I´ve read many discussions on statalist and elsewhere (for example but I am still not able to do that (probably not modifying codes correctly). Could you please give me an example of how to calculate it using one of my models below (with notes suggesting what has to be modified for using it on different models in the future)?

My basic model. For the sake of this example let´s say the number of imputed datasets is 5.

mi estimate, dots cmdok: melogit volba vzdelani c.egalitarstvi##c.narodovectvi euroskepticismus_rek apatie populismus i.bydliste i.religiozita cynismus c.vek_rek##c.vek_rek migranti_2011_bezS [pweight=VAHA] || okres_cd:
I am using Stata 16.1 MP

Thank you in advance.