I am unable to reshape my data into long format to run a fixed effects model. As can be seen in the STATA command I imputed variables with missing data and later converted the data into flong. However, When I tried to reshape the data to long by indicating the specific variables for i and j I received the following error message.
HTML Code:
set seed 832016 mi set wide mi register imputed INF_M6a INTSCORE_M6 PWAS_M_1 PWAS_M_2 FAM_M3 FAM_M6 OYAS_FINAL_C mi impute chained (nbreg) INF_M6a (poisson) INTSCORE_M6 (regress) PWAS_M_1 PWAS_M_2 (logit) FAM_M3 FAM_M6(ologit) OYAS_FINAL_C = INF_M3a INTSCORE_M3 PWAS_M_0 VIC_M3a AGE_AD MILES LENGTH2 dummy_race, add(25) force dots augment mi convert flong mi reshape long INF BAI BDI INTSCORE PWAS MILES AGE_AD FAM VIC OYAS LENGTH EXIT RACE, i(ID) j(time)
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