I am a beginner in stata, trying to estimate Okun's law using data from Economic Report of the President for years between 1959-2019. My variables are pcrgdp (percentage change in real GDP), unem (civilian unemployment rate), cunem (unem – unem[n-1]). I am referring to the paper “Okun’s Law: Fit at Fifty?” (Ball et al., 2013). Link to the paper-https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/...it-at-50-40236. In this paper, they use the following equations-
- Ut – Ut* = β (Yt – Yt*) + εt, β < 0,
Et – Et* = γ (Yt – Yt*) + ηt, γ > 0;
Ut – Ut* = δ (Et – Et*) + μt, δ < 0;
- ΔUt = α + β ΔYt + ωt,
I wanted to confirm if the following stata command is equivalent to equation 1?
regress cunem lnpcrgdp
I also tried using an HP filter as used in the paper with smoothing parameters of λ= 100 and λ = 1,000, however, the command for pcrgdp did not provide any results.
tsfilter hp pcrgdp_hp = pcrgdp
Can someone confirm if the stata commands for equation 1 are correct? Furthermore, how should I estimate equation 2? Thanks for considering this!
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