Hello Statlaist

I've some problems using the rologit command in Stata: I've collected data from a show in Italy, where each respondent has ranked the emotions (in dep var q1category_num) they tied to the show. Then I collected some background information about each respondent e.g. knowledge about the topic of the show (gknow), cultural consumption level (ccons) etc. I've converted the data in the long format, so that the 'norespondent' variable link each respondents rankings together. I want to estimate the influence of knowledge on how one ranks the emotions. I thought the rologit model would appropriate, but because there's no variation in all the independent variables within each respondent (it is a cross-sectional study) I cannot estimate the rologit. What do I do to estimate this function? I've converted the data into the long format to be able to have 1 dependent variable.
