Hi all.

I am trying to make a table of the standardized factor loadings and their satorra bentler standard errors, using estout. I use these commands

sem (Factor1 -> x1, ) (Factor1-> x2, ) (Factor1 -> x3, ) (Factor1 -> x4, ) (Factor2 -> x5, ) (Factor2 -> x6, ) (Factor2 -> x7, ) (Factor2 -> x8, ) (Factor3 -> x9, ) (Factor3 -> x10, ) (Factor3 -> x11, ) (Factor3 -> x12, ) covstruct(_lexogenous, diagonal) vce(sbentler) standardized ///
latent(Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 ) cov( Factor1*Factor2 Factor1*Factor3 Factor2*Factor3) nocapslatent 
estimate store m1
estout m1, cells(b_std(fmt(3) star) & se) stat(N) starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) drop(var* cov*)
However, this does not give me the standard errors of the first item for each factor; meaning the item that due to standardization has a factor loadings other than 1.
I have looked at r(table) and the standard errors are stored correctly in r(table). But I can't get them with estout.

Thank you for taking the time,