Dear Statlist members,
Good afternoon.
I am estimating a translog cost function intending to measure the efficiency of the Syrian banking sector, my sample includes 17 banks (out of a total of 20 banks) for 12 years starting from 2005 till 2016 (yielding an unbalanced panel data). To check the variability of the my sample, my supervisor proposed to perform a regression between on 3 stages: the first stage would be to run a regression (according to the Hausman test, the results were in favor of using the fixed effects model) to check for the coefficients of my regressors, then the second step would be to run the same regression but adding a time dummy (represents a crisis dummy that takes the value of zero in the pre-war period 2005-2011, and takes the value of 1 in the war period 2012-2016), and finally the third step is to interact the crisis dummy with all my regressors and check the coefficients from this step with the value of the coefficients from the first step.
I chose my dependent variable as the ln(total cost/one of the input prices) and my regressors are three outputs (in logarithms), 2 price inputs (taken in logarithm form and divided by the third input price as we did with the total costs), 2 control variables (in logarithm form) and the interactions between the outputs, the input prices, and the control variables, this would yield 30 regressors in the initial model. In the second model, I added the crisis dummy, in the third model I added the interactions between the crisis dummy with all the regressors in the first model so we would have 61 regressors. The values of the coefficients in the first model and second model were almost the same but to my surprise, the coefficients of the regressors in the third model were so huge (and almost all of the coefficients are significant) compared to to the same regressors in the first and second models.
  • To define my regressors in a macro:
global xvar lntl lnoea lnnii lnw2D lnw3D lntl2 lnoea2 lnnii2 lnw2D2 lnw3D2 lneq lnllp lneq2 lnllp2 iact1 iact2 iact3 iact4 iact5 iact6 iact7 iact8 iact9 iact10 iact11 iact12 iact13 iact14 iact15 iact16
  • Code:
    xtset id year
  • Code:
    xtreg lntcD $xvar, fe
  • The results of the first model:
  • Code:
    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        111
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =         17
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.9795                                         min =          2
                 between = 0.5923                                         avg =        6.5
                 overall = 0.8121                                         max =          9
                                                            F(30,64)          =     101.82
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.1038                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                   lntcD |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                    lntl |  -.8543398   1.502416    -0.57   0.572     -3.85576    2.147081
                   lnoea |  -2.668691   1.575779    -1.69   0.095    -5.816671    .4792895
                   lnnii |   .2089025   .2709448     0.77   0.444    -.3323719     .750177
                   lnw2D |   1.004794    .700106     1.44   0.156    -.3938285    2.403417
                   lnw3D |   .0003386   1.399373     0.00   1.000     -2.79523    2.795908
                   lntl2 |   .0758403   .0854099     0.89   0.378    -.0947857    .2464662
                  lnoea2 |  -.1743747   .1219659    -1.43   0.158    -.4180296    .0692803
                  lnnii2 |    .010878   .0099781     1.09   0.280    -.0090555    .0308116
                  lnw2D2 |   .0005951   .0409005     0.01   0.988     -.081113    .0823032
                  lnw3D2 |  -.0235098   .0699826    -0.34   0.738    -.1633161    .1162966
                    lneq |    .108945   1.304998     0.08   0.934    -2.498087    2.715977
                   lnllp |   1.133728   .3713425     3.05   0.003     .3918864     1.87557
                   lneq2 |  -.2203478    .104942    -2.10   0.040    -.4299935   -.0107021
                  lnllp2 |   .0146593    .010815     1.36   0.180    -.0069461    .0362647
                   iact1 |  -.0136558   .0438129    -0.31   0.756    -.1011822    .0738706
                   iact2 |   .1070544   .0616944     1.74   0.088    -.0161942     .230303
                   iact3 |   .1039922   .0739666     1.41   0.165    -.0437731    .2517575
                   iact4 |   .0393443   .0991637     0.40   0.693     -.158758    .2374465
                   iact5 |   .0147782   .0188256     0.79   0.435    -.0228301    .0523866
                   iact6 |   .0110684   .0205931     0.54   0.593    -.0300711    .0522078
                   iact7 |  -.1555763   .0583796    -2.66   0.010     -.272203   -.0389496
                   iact8 |  -.0425453   .0895008    -0.48   0.636    -.2213437     .136253
                   iact9 |   .0114676   .0189465     0.61   0.547    -.0263824    .0493175
                  iact10 |  -.0923999   .0198445    -4.66   0.000    -.1320438   -.0527559
                  iact11 |  -.0366808   .0548468    -0.67   0.506    -.1462499    .0728882
                  iact12 |   .2972163    .099944     2.97   0.004     .0975553    .4968774
                  iact13 |  -.0242802   .0185953    -1.31   0.196    -.0614285    .0128681
                  iact14 |  -.0499301   .0195805    -2.55   0.013    -.0890467   -.0108136
                  iact15 |   .0304576   .0207391     1.47   0.147    -.0109737    .0718888
                  iact16 |  -.0072393   .0116585    -0.62   0.537    -.0305299    .0160513
                   _cons |   31.09566   17.05464     1.82   0.073    -2.974905    65.16622
                 sigma_u |  .60556741
                 sigma_e |  .16679111
                     rho |  .92948776   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            F test that all u_i=0: F(16, 64) = 6.21                      Prob > F = 0.0000
  • To add the crisis dummy:
  • Code:
    global xvar1 lntl lnoea lnnii lnw2D lnw3D lntl2 lnoea2 lnnii2 lnw2D2 lnw3D2 lneq lnllp lneq2 lnllp2 iact1 iact2 iact3 iact4 iact5 iact6 iact7 iact8 iact9 iact10 iact11 iact12 iact13 iact14 iact15 iact16 cd
  • Code:
    xtreg lntcD $xvar1, fe
  • The results of the second model:
  • Code:
    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        111
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =         17
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.9795                                         min =          2
                 between = 0.5999                                         avg =        6.5
                 overall = 0.8157                                         max =          9
                                                            F(31,63)          =      97.03
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0964                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                   lntcD |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                    lntl |   -.859437   1.514366    -0.57   0.572    -3.885655    2.166781
                   lnoea |    -2.6956   1.597465    -1.69   0.096    -5.887879    .4966785
                   lnnii |   .2134203   .2745974     0.78   0.440    -.3353188    .7621594
                   lnw2D |   1.005569   .7055249     1.43   0.159    -.4043095    2.415448
                   lnw3D |  -.0188541   1.415633    -0.01   0.989    -2.847771    2.810063
                   lntl2 |   .0773606   .0866299     0.89   0.375    -.0957555    .2504767
                  lnoea2 |  -.1715172   .1242915    -1.38   0.172     -.419894    .0768596
                  lnnii2 |    .010869   .0100553     1.08   0.284    -.0092249    .0309628
                  lnw2D2 |   .0017487   .0418873     0.04   0.967    -.0819563    .0854537
                  lnw3D2 |  -.0235178   .0705225    -0.33   0.740    -.1644458    .1174102
                    lneq |    .132109    1.32359     0.10   0.921    -2.512874    2.777092
                   lnllp |   1.125977   .3775578     2.98   0.004     .3714874    1.880466
                   lneq2 |  -.2189145    .106158    -2.06   0.043    -.4310543   -.0067746
                  lnllp2 |   .0143052   .0111369     1.28   0.204    -.0079501    .0365606
                   iact1 |  -.0139907   .0442042    -0.32   0.753    -.1023256    .0743443
                   iact2 |     .10676   .0621995     1.72   0.091    -.0175358    .2310558
                   iact3 |   .1041202   .0745418     1.40   0.167    -.0448397    .2530802
                   iact4 |   .0403293    .100132     0.40   0.688    -.1597686    .2404272
                   iact5 |   .0144918   .0190612     0.76   0.450     -.023599    .0525826
                   iact6 |   .0105911   .0209808     0.50   0.615    -.0313356    .0525178
                   iact7 |  -.1551023     .05891    -2.63   0.011    -.2728245   -.0373801
                   iact8 |  -.0417318   .0903449    -0.46   0.646    -.2222717    .1388081
                   iact9 |   .0110464   .0192864     0.57   0.569    -.0274943    .0495872
                  iact10 |  -.0925893   .0200352    -4.62   0.000    -.1326263   -.0525522
                  iact11 |  -.0370671   .0553265    -0.67   0.505    -.1476282     .073494
                  iact12 |   .2943027   .1024665     2.87   0.006     .0895397    .4990656
                  iact13 |  -.0244373   .0187663    -1.30   0.198    -.0619388    .0130641
                  iact14 |  -.0502809   .0198618    -2.53   0.014    -.0899715   -.0105903
                  iact15 |   .0314099   .0217898     1.44   0.154    -.0121335    .0749534
                  iact16 |  -.0069394   .0119078    -0.58   0.562    -.0307352    .0168564
                      cd |   .0153238   .0992154     0.15   0.878    -.1829423    .2135899
                   _cons |   31.30776   17.24099     1.82   0.074    -3.145606    65.76113
                 sigma_u |  .59855999
                 sigma_e |  .16807782
                     rho |  .92691233   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            F test that all u_i=0: F(16, 63) = 5.64                      Prob > F = 0.0000
  • To interact the crisis dummy with the regressors
  • Code:
    foreach x of varlist lntl lnoea lnnii lnw2D lnw3D lntl2 lnoea2 lnnii2 lnw2D2 lnw3D2 lneq lnllp lneq2 lnllp2 iact1 iact2 iact3 iact4 iact5 iact6 iact7 iact8 iact9 iact10 iact11 iact12 iact13 iact14 iact15 iact16{
  • Code:
    gen double cd`x' = cd * (`x')
  • Code:
  • Include all the regressors and the interaction with the regressors in the third model:
  • Code:
    global xvar2 lntl lnoea lnnii lnw2D lnw3D lntl2 lnoea2 lnnii2 lnw2D2 lnw3D2 lneq lnllp lneq2 lnllp2 iact1 iact2 iact3 iact4 iact5 iact6 iact7 iact8 iact9 iact10 iact11 iact12 iact13 iact14 iact15 iact16 cd cdlntl cdlnoea cdlnnii cdlnw2D cdlnw3D cdlntl2 cdlnoea2 cdlnnii2 cdlnw2D2 cdlnw3D2 cdlneq cdlnllp cdlneq2 cdlnllp2 cdiact1 cdiact2 cdiact3 cdiact4 cdiact5 cdiact6 cdiact7 cdiact8 cdiact9 cdiact10 cdiact11 cdiact12 cdiact13 cdiact14 cdiact15 cdiact16
  • Code:
    xtreg lntcD $xvar2, fe
  • The resultsof the third model:
  • Code:
    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        111
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =         17
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.9947                                         min =          2
                 between = 0.2097                                         avg =        6.5
                 overall = 0.5612                                         max =          9
                                                            F(61,33)          =     101.97
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.2020                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                   lntcD |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                    lntl |   47.09133   14.91185     3.16   0.003     16.75293    77.42973
                   lnoea |  -46.40368    14.0999    -3.29   0.002    -75.09013   -17.71722
                   lnnii |    4.37507    1.88242     2.32   0.026     .5452585    8.204882
                   lnw2D |   1.100498   3.348964     0.33   0.745     -5.71302    7.914015
                   lnw3D |   19.17671   6.098829     3.14   0.004     6.768545    31.58487
                   lntl2 |  -1.799829   .4239165    -4.25   0.000    -2.662294   -.9373648
                  lnoea2 |   .8813601   .4463555     1.97   0.057    -.0267571    1.789477
                  lnnii2 |   .0544818   .0397587     1.37   0.180     -.026408    .1353715
                  lnw2D2 |  -1.032923   .2472421    -4.18   0.000    -1.535941    -.529905
                  lnw3D2 |  -.2459903   .4326006    -0.57   0.573    -1.126123    .6341423
                    lneq |  -29.03087   9.461581    -3.07   0.004     -48.2806   -9.781139
                   lnllp |  -3.008367   1.966399    -1.53   0.136    -7.009036    .9923016
                   lneq2 |   .3430149   .5905285     0.58   0.565    -.8584244    1.544454
                  lnllp2 |  -.0981912   .0384162    -2.56   0.015    -.1763495   -.0200328
                   iact1 |   1.841016   .5717113     3.22   0.003     .6778605    3.004171
                   iact2 |  -1.801202   .6411307    -2.81   0.008    -3.105592   -.4968115
                   iact3 |  -.7978385   .4025068    -1.98   0.056    -1.616745    .0210676
                   iact4 |   .6622181   .3090564     2.14   0.040     .0334381    1.290998
                   iact5 |   .1290717   .1018969     1.27   0.214    -.0782392    .3363825
                   iact6 |  -.2824996   .1258163    -2.25   0.032    -.5384747   -.0265244
                   iact7 |  -1.362191   .4328597    -3.15   0.003     -2.24285    -.481531
                   iact8 |   .8699046   .4723241     1.84   0.075    -.0910461    1.830855
                   iact9 |   .3260643    .091666     3.56   0.001     .1395684    .5125601
                  iact10 |  -.5697394   .0937982    -6.07   0.000    -.7605734   -.3789055
                  iact11 |   -.765502    .484363    -1.58   0.124    -1.750946    .2199418
                  iact12 |   1.807147   .4855092     3.72   0.001     .8193708    2.794923
                  iact13 |   .0254151   .1274403     0.20   0.843    -.2338641    .2846944
                  iact14 |   .7476658   .1699423     4.40   0.000     .4019157    1.093416
                  iact15 |  -.0806342   .1316575    -0.61   0.544    -.3484933     .187225
                  iact16 |   -.201224   .0706172    -2.85   0.007    -.3448958   -.0575523
                      cd |  -146.8053   65.18711    -2.25   0.031    -279.4295   -14.18115
                  cdlntl |  -44.43249   14.84393    -2.99   0.005    -74.63269    -14.2323
                 cdlnoea |   49.45785   14.24765     3.47   0.001     20.47078    78.44492
                 cdlnnii |  -4.480562   1.991074    -2.25   0.031    -8.531434    -.429691
                 cdlnw2D |  -.0143426   3.363131    -0.00   0.997    -6.856683    6.827998
                 cdlnw3D |  -25.36333   6.401982    -3.96   0.000    -38.38826    -12.3384
                 cdlntl2 |   1.727536   .4276136     4.04   0.000     .8575497    2.597522
                cdlnoea2 |   -1.39611   .4913676    -2.84   0.008    -2.395805   -.3964154
                cdlnnii2 |  -.0619074   .0396564    -1.56   0.128     -.142589    .0187741
                cdlnw2D2 |   1.217328    .268301     4.54   0.000     .6714655    1.763191
                cdlnw3D2 |   .0988369   .4576092     0.22   0.830     -.832176     1.02985
                  cdlneq |   31.12527   9.460709     3.29   0.002     11.87731    50.37323
                 cdlnllp |   3.286925   2.004197     1.64   0.111    -.7906452    7.364495
                 cdlneq2 |  -.5015864   .5895298    -0.85   0.401    -1.700994     .697821
                cdlnllp2 |    .168012   .0649718     2.59   0.014     .0358258    .3001981
                 cdiact1 |  -1.816611   .5699775    -3.19   0.003    -2.976239   -.6569834
                 cdiact2 |   1.881834    .648641     2.90   0.007     .5621645    3.201504
                 cdiact3 |   .7273724   .3893951     1.87   0.071    -.0648578    1.519603
                 cdiact4 |  -.2111172   .3302419    -0.64   0.527    -.8829994    .4607651
                 cdiact5 |  -.1428134   .1035163    -1.38   0.177    -.3534189     .067792
                 cdiact6 |   .2599114   .1259827     2.06   0.047     .0035976    .5162252
                 cdiact7 |   1.379313   .4379577     3.15   0.003     .4882818    2.270345
                 cdiact8 |  -.9126804   .4920562    -1.85   0.073    -1.913776    .0884154
                 cdiact9 |  -.3629481   .0998283    -3.64   0.001    -.5660503   -.1598459
                cdiact10 |   .5378179   .1133859     4.74   0.000     .3071326    .7685032
                cdiact11 |   .6821611   .4743148     1.44   0.160    -.2828396    1.647162
                cdiact12 |  -1.682702   .5045611    -3.33   0.002    -2.709239   -.6561646
                cdiact13 |  -.0402936   .1287717    -0.31   0.756    -.3022816    .2216945
                cdiact14 |  -.8163593   .1742462    -4.69   0.000    -1.170866   -.4618527
                cdiact15 |   .0707761   .1403209     0.50   0.617    -.2147089    .3562611
                cdiact16 |   .2462194   .0743865     3.31   0.002     .0948788      .39756
                   _cons |   125.5604   68.69779     1.83   0.077    -14.20634    265.3271
                 sigma_u |  .89100955
                 sigma_e |  .11779067
                     rho |  .98282358   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            F test that all u_i=0: F(16, 33) = 4.69                      Prob > F = 0.0001
As you can see, the coefficients in the third model are very huge compared to the results of the first model and the second model. Is there any feedback or comments on the results especially in the third model compared to the second and the first?
Many thanks in advance