Dear All,

Below is an except of my results from the Oxaca model
Country A Country B
Male 8.614*** 9.714***
(0.0566) (0.0235)
Female 7.958*** 9.085***
(0.150) (0.0539)
difference 0.656*** 0.629***
(0.160) (0.0588)
Agregate Decomposition
Endowment Coefficient Interaction Endowment Coefficient Interaction
Total 0.165 0.342*** -0.00750 0.365*** 0.256*** 0.0202
Detailed Decomposition
Age -0.0216* -0.459 0.0650 0.213 2.134* -0.283*
(0.448) (4.512) (0.466) (0.115) (1.191) (0.126)
I have about 10 explanatory variables of which some are significant. For simplicity I have only included Age. However, I am not sure how to explain the detailed decomposition and would appreciate guidance. My dependent variable is productivity.

Many thanks