
I am using a survey dataset (the World Values Survey) and trying out the following code in Stata 14 :

reg indep                labor     i.wave  i.c   i.c##i.wave   if sam==1, r
est sto m_1
esttab * using T2, rtf beta(3) t(3) b(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) r2 obslast nogaps onecell indicate("Country FE = *c " "Wave FE=*wave" "Wave x Country FE=*i.c##i.wave" ) title(Table: WVS) replace
However, I keep getting the error message coefficient *i.c##i.wave not found.

I am not sure how to code it to get Stata to give me a 'Yes' indicator for the interaction of the two fixed effects.