I am currently working on a multilevel model, which shows the relationship between education and prejudice, interacted by regimescore.

mixed socialdistance c.Education##c.regimescore unemployment GDP Migration5y GINI ||Nations:, covariance(independent) reml

Now i want to show the marginal effects of education on prejudice at different levels of regimescore, and report the marginal effects graphically.

However, i get that when you make the margins command, it only computes the effects of an increase in the independent variable, from 0 to 1 across different levels of the moderator. What i want to do is show the marginals effects of going from 0 to the maximum value on my independent variabel (Education).
Is that possible? So far i have used:

margins, dydx(Eduref) at(DemSc=(1/7)) vsquish