Dear STATA Forum,

I have a (hopefully simple) question about using variable shortcuts and conditional statements. Suppose I have a series of similarly named variables (var_1-var_6), and they are all have some numerical value inside. Here is some quick reproducible example data:
*fake data
input var_1 var_2 var_3 var_4 var_5 var_6
1 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 1

gen country = ""
    replace country = "usa" in 1
    replace country = "can" in 2
    replace country = "sgp" in 3
For a given country, I would like to know which variables of var_1-var_6 are greater than 0. I realize I can...
mdesc var* if country=="usa" infer which variables have values from the percent missing, but is there an alternative way to apply a conditional -if- statement to all of the vars*?

For those interested (if it will help in providing a solution), the purpose of this question is to return a varlist of each var* that meets a certain level. Those vars that meet a certain level inform a process in a separate dataset. Each varlist is unique by country, such that the varslist considered for USA differs from CAN, SGP, etc.

Apologies if this question is poorly formatted - please let me know how I can improve it!