Dear Statalists, I have two questions that I am sure are relatively easy for you.

First: I am plotting two impulse response functions (with their respective confidence bands) for horizon "h" in the same graph, hence I would like to use marker symbols to differentiate among them for B/W versions. However, Stata does not recognize my option for marker symbols in the following code:

twoway (line response1 h, lcolor(navy) lpattern(solid) lwidth(thick)) ///
(line upband1 h, lcolor(navy) lpattern(longdash) lwidth(thick) msymbol(Dh) msize(large)) ///  
(line loband1 h, lcolor(navy) lpattern(longdash) lwidth(thick) msymbol(Dh) msize(large))  ///
(line response2  h, lcolor(cranberry) lpattern(solid) lwidth(thick)) ///
(rarea upband2 loband2 h, fcolor(cranberry%30) lcolor(cranberry%30) msymbol(Oh) msize(large)) ///
(line zero h, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash) lwidth(med))
(The impulse responses of group 1 have confidence bands with dashed lines, whereas group 2 with a shaded area.)

Second: is it possible to have "response1, upband1, loband1" be on top of "response2, upband2, loband2" as they may intersect and I want the first group of line to be in evidence with respect to the latter.

Thanks a lot,