Hi all,

I am using a dataset with vocabulary data for 5585 children who are 2 years old.

We have a list of 100 words commonly spoken by 2 year olds which has been translated into 6 different languages. We asked parents to look at this list of 100 words and tick yes/no for the words that their child says in any of the 6 languages.

I've attached a screenshot of a dummy dataset so you can see how the data is laid out in an example 13 cases, for 2 languages only (english and maori) and 3 words.

For each of the 6 languages, each of the 100 words has its own variable:
For example, for English and Maori, the variable names are: word_1_english, word_1_maori, word_2_english, word_2_maori,...word_100_english, word_100_maori.
The possible responses are 0 (labelled "No") and 1 (labelled "Yes")

I would like to create a score ("totalscore") out of 100 for the bilingual children (maorieng_y2cm == 1) that tells me how many of the 100 words the child knows in EITHER English or Maori, without double counting if a child knows the word in both languages.

For instance,
ID 200093, totalscore = 2
ID 133593, totalscore = 3
ID 249443, totalscore = 2
ID 124223, totalscore = 3 (NOT 4)
ID 120882, totalscore = 2 (NOT 3)

If the child isn't bilingual (mooring_y2cm == .) then I want totalscore to stay as missing.

I wondered about using the 'foreach' command, but I don't know enough state code to figure out how to code this
Any help would be much appreciated!