Hey Folks!

I hope I am not getting too annoying with my questions. I have encountered the following problem. I am using a panel data set (unbalanced) over 2 periods.

I have 2 types of dependent variables: The first type is continuous, whereas the second type is ordinal (and I can not assume second type is continuous as well), and I am using a bunch of different regressors on them.

I use a Fixed Effects estimator to estimate effects on the first type of dependent variables. This gives me sensible results and a hausman test indeed confirms that I should use FE rather than RE.

However, for the second type of regressions, I want to use an ordered logit model (xtologit). As far as I know, this uses Random Effects,and it is not straightforward including FE with ologit.

So the question is: Can I use an FE estimator and a RE ordered logit model in the same paper/for the same dataset? It sounds so counterintuitive to me that I rule out RE for the first type of variables, and then proceed to use it for the second type, or is RE just something different regarding to ordered logits and this does make sense?

Any thoughts?

Many thanks!