Hello world of stats and analysis,
I have dibbled a bit in STATA over my university years but my work has required me to become much more engaged with the software.
I am currently working on a project (using STATA 13.0) trying to determine seasonal sales patterns to implement a sales sampling strategy across multiple provinces in Cambodia.
I have a large dataset with 24 variables and 120,000+ observations. My first step is to manipulate the current dataset to remake sales years based on seasonal patterns in Cambodia. It happens that a sales year makes much more sense from November 1st - October 31st (the following year). The dataset has sales records of every sale done by any supplier based on date (SUPPLIER_ID / DAY / MONTH/ YEAR / SALE_AMOUNT).
I am having problems writing code that would systematically eliminate any sales before November the year that particular supplier joined our records. For example supplier 43 joined in 01/04/2014 and has sales until 01/09/2017. I would like to delete all sales previous to 01/11/2014 for supplier 43, and then do that for all suppliers in my dataset.
I have been fiddling with the bysort function: bysort SPID year month: generate y=1 then replace y=. if SPID==SPID[_n-1] & month>=11. I feel like im close but just missing the code to tell STATA to identify and replace only the first year they joined so that later I can write a code to eliminate all 'missing values'
I hope all that makes sense,
Thank you all for your help!
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