I estimate a model with the command ivregress 2sls. I have two endogenous variables.
Can I conclude that my instruments are not weak if the minimum eigenvalue statistic is above the critical values, although the shea's partial R-sq and the she'a adj partical R-sq are very low?
If the answer is yes, which information does the shes partial R-squares add?

. estat firststage

Shea's partial R-squared
| Shea's Shea's
Variable | Partial R-sq. Adj. Partial R-sq.
x1 | 0.2201 0.2091
x2 | 0.0328 0.0191

Minimum eigenvalue statistic = 30.4388

Critical Values # of endogenous regressors: 2
Ho: Instruments are weak # of excluded instruments: 4
| 5% 10% 20% 30%
2SLS relative bias | 11.04 7.56 5.57 4.73
| 10% 15% 20% 25%
2SLS Size of nominal 5% Wald test | 16.87 9.93 7.54 6.28
LIML Size of nominal 5% Wald test | 4.72 3.39 2.99 2.79