Hi... I am a very newly stata user

I really don't know and desperately searching how to get VIF score after running a melogit command on stata do file

I am running a multilevel model of current use of contraception (binary: yes or no) with lots of categorical covariates and few of continuous predictors.

here is my commands:

melogit current_user i.age_group i.education i.parity i.marital i.womans_autonomy ///
i.wealth i.insurance distance_to_nearest_FPprovider ///
i.residence i.region first_birth_before17 dissatisfied_with_FP wait_2ormore_years fp_messages visited_by_CHW ///
i.sdp_authority i.sdp_type i.bpjs_contract i.qoc || EA_ID: , or

xi: melogit current_user i.age_group i.education i.parity i.marital i.womans_autonomy ///
i.wealth i.insurance distance_to_nearest_FPprovider ///
i.residence i.region first_birth_before17 dissatisfied_with_FP wait_2ormore_years fp_messages visited_by_CHW ///
i.sdp_authority i.sdp_type i.bpjs_contract i.qoc || EA_ID: i.qoc, or

please help me anyone who know how to get the VIF score after melogit command..