Hello guys,

I am currently trying to train myself on non-stationarity, seen as I will probably have to help one of my supervisors at work with it in may/june. I have been given some old sets from work to work with, however I am having some trouble and would love some assistance. I asked one of my colleagues at work and he recommended me this forum, so here goes nothing :-)

I have currently written down 150 observations in stata in the do-file editor by writing:

set obs 150

i have two independent variables x and y, which i have set to x0 = 0 and y0 = 0 by writing:

generate xt = 0
generate yt = 0

I then have the following formulas:

xt = 1.004 * xt-1 + ut (where xt-1 is x at time t-1) and yt = 1.04 * yt-1 + vt

ut and vt are independent normally distributed white noise processes with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.01

I now want to find out whether x and y are stationary and why/why not as well as explaining which time series processes x and y come from.

However, it is at this point that I get quite lost. I think this is an MA(p) model (right?). How do I continue from here in Stata? I would really love some help! Thank you so much everybody and please let me know if you want more inforamtion/pictures etc.

Kind regards,