Hello to all!

I'm working with some income data with the DASP package for Stata and running a calculation of pro-poor indexes which gives me as a result an output table like the following:
 .ipropoor i_14 i_18, alpha(1) pline(57.79)
   Poverty line    :        57.79
   Parameter alpha :         1.00
               Pro-poor indices |       Estimate            STE             LB              UB  
                 Growth rate(g) |        0.025963        0.000305        0.025365        0.026561
  Ravallion & Chen (2003) index |        0.041603        0.000985        0.039672        0.043535
  Ravallion & Chen (2003) - g   |        0.015640        0.001031        0.013618        0.017661
  Kakwani & Pernia (2000) index |        0.919038        0.017282        0.885162        0.952915
                     PEGR index |        0.023861        0.000361        0.023154        0.024569
                     PEGR - g   |       -0.002102        0.000464       -0.003011       -0.001193
I wanted to write a code to retrieve automatically into scalars the estimates of several of this tables but the matrix r(table) is missing. l already checked with .return list and .ereturn list. The first one gives blank as result and the second one doesn't contain the estimates in any of the scalars nor matrix.

Anyone knows how to take this table directly from the output and turn it into text to be able to retrieve the estimates and convert them into scalars?