Hi, I am estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) for different meat types using the stata command quaids to calculate price and income elasticities. I have household consumption data over several months. However, this is no panel data. I cannot follow the same households over time. Hence, I'll have to assume that the households are the same given my control variables. My control variables are the following: household size, composition of household, ethnic origin of HRP, sex of oldest person in hh, total food consumption, women economically active, sampling month, region, socio-economic group of HRP, economic position of HRP, income dummies on the basis of normal weekly disposable income. Now I want to think about which variance-covariance matrix to calculate. Is there a way I can test whether I should use robust standard errors or clustering given such a demand system? Or does someone have intuition for this case?
Thank you very much.