Dear statalists,

I am currently working on a psmatch2 and I want to create professional-looking tables using eststo/ estate commands.
My code currently looks:

psmatch2 num_skill male age_edit education, outcome (savings)
eststo psm1
estadd ysumm
esttab psm1 using psm_practice.csv, replace se scalar(ymean)

However, the esttab output table fails to include many of the stats I need and only displays the difference (treated - controls) for unmatched (see attached). I would it to display the mean of ATT and unmatched for treatment and control and the differences with SE but I have not been able to display this information using esttab like it usually does with regular regressions.

Any ideas on a solution would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

EDIT: As an alternative to esttab tables, is there any other method to export psmatch2 tables to excel for a number of outcome variables?