Dear members,

I am trying to move the legends of some plots to an empty space in

I have the individual plots already generated and saved in disk. So I am not willing to change the actual plots, but their appearance in GRAPH COMBINE.

I am providing a sample code here:
* use, clear
sysuse uslifeexp, clear
generate diff = le_wm - le_bm
label var diff "Difference"

local ys = "if (year < 1930)"
line le_wm year `ys' , yaxis(1 2) xaxis(1 2) ///
|| line le_bm year `ys' ///
|| line diff year `ys' ///
|| lfit diff year `ys' ///
||, ///
ylabel(0(5)20, axis(2) gmin angle(horizontal)) ///
ylabel(0 20(10)80, gmax angle(horizontal)) ///
ytitle("", axis(2)) ///
xlabel(1918, axis(2)) xtitle("", axis(2)) ///
ytitle("Life expectancy at birth (years)") ///
ylabel(, axis(2) grid) ///
title("White and black life expectancy") ///
subtitle("USA, 1900-1929") ///
note("Source: National Vital Statistics, Vol 50, No. 6" ///
"(1918 dip caused by 1918 Influenza Pandemic)") ///
legend(label(1 "White males") label(2 "Black males"))

graph rename p1, replace

local ys = "if (year >= 1930 & year < 1970)"
line le_wm year `ys' , yaxis(1 2) xaxis(1 2) ///
|| line le_bm year `ys' ///
|| line diff year `ys' ///
|| lfit diff year `ys' ///
||, ///
ylabel(0(5)20, axis(2) gmin angle(horizontal)) ///
ylabel(0 20(10)80, gmax angle(horizontal)) ///
ytitle("", axis(2)) ///
ytitle("Life expectancy at birth (years)") ///
ylabel(, axis(2) grid) ///
title("White and black life expectancy") ///
subtitle("USA, 1930-1969") ///
note("Source: National Vital Statistics, Vol 50, No. 6") ///
legend(label(1 "White males") label(2 "Black males"))

graph rename p2, replace

local ys = "if (year >= 1970)"
line le_wm year `ys' , yaxis(1 2) xaxis(1 2) ///
|| line le_bm year `ys' ///
|| line diff year `ys' ///
|| lfit diff year `ys' ///
||, ///
ylabel(0(5)20, axis(2) gmin angle(horizontal)) ///
ylabel(0 20(10)80, gmax angle(horizontal)) ///
ytitle("", axis(2)) ///
ytitle("Life expectancy at birth (years)") ///
ylabel(, axis(2) grid) ///
title("White and black life expectancy") ///
subtitle("USA, 1970-1999") ///
note("Source: National Vital Statistics, Vol 50, No. 6") ///
legend(label(1 "White males") label(2 "Black males"))

graph rename p3, replace

// ******************* ONLY CHANGE AFTER THIS POINT ******************************

graph combine p1 p2 p3, ///
        col(2) iscale(*.6)
graph display , ysize(11) xsize(8.5)
The plot I want to accomplish is more or less like that:

Any ideas are welcome (even if they involve regenerating the original plots -- it takes a while, but if necessary, so be it!)

Best regards,
