I am working on a Remote Stata Server (OS: Windows Server 2016 Standard) with Stata/SE 15.1.

I need to install on it two things: 1) the gtools package (ssc install gtools); 2) the function Lorenz (ssc install lorenz).

I have no admin access nor internet connection on the remote Stata server. Therefore, I can't run "ssc install".
I followed the advice listed in this post:
  1. download on my Local computer (OS: macOS Big Sur) the packages I need, using my local version of Stata.
  2. looked up my "PLUS" folder where all the functions downloaded from the web are saved.
  3. copied "PLUS" into my "cd" in the Stata server.
  4. told Stata on the server to modify the "PLUS" folder and to use the one that I copied (the one from my local which contains "lorenz" and the "gtools" functions.
At this point I thought I was all set and ready to start using my "gtools" functions as well as "lorenz":
  • when I try to use the "lorenz" function, everything works fine. Mission accomplished
  • when I try to use a function from the "gtools" package, it does not work.
For instance, if I try to use "gquantiles", Stata returns the following message:

. gquantiles pp = federal_action_obligation, pctile
class GtoolsResults undefined
(282 lines skipped)
(error occurred while loading _gtools_internal.ado)
I get the same message using other functions of "gtools", say "hashsort", "gcollapse"....

The only clues that I have, probably pointless, are:
  • I downloaded gtools on a Mac while the Stata server is on Windows (if so, then why "lorenz" works?!)
  • Unlike "lorenz", "gtools" is a package and not a function (if so, I would be surprised because I thought a package is simply a set of functions).
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
