Dear all,

I would like to make a graph of several concentration indices and their confident intervals against countries. I first use -conindex- command written by O'Donnell and his colleagues to produce values of CIs and confident intervals but I don't how to make a graph like an example below. I would be grateful if someone could help me.

input float(id country y) double inc
5440 2  3  318841.3935546875
5441 2  4    54898.208984375
5442 2  3    54898.208984375
5443 2  1 45175.817321777344
5444 2  0 45175.817321777344
5445 2  0   121893.837890625
5446 2  5   121893.837890625
5447 2  4  71314.00281524658
5448 2  7  71314.00281524658
5449 2  0  38337.68078613281
5450 2  6 11104.256591796875
5451 2  0 11104.256591796875
5452 2  1 26280.073486328125
5453 2  0 26280.073486328125
5454 2  2  28671.24493408203
5455 2  0   787.013916015625
5456 2  3  19524.98480606079
5457 2  0  32819.24786376953
5458 2  5  22196.94139099121
5459 2  0         9848.46875
5460 2  0  34413.07556152344
5461 2  0  34413.07556152344
5462 2  0  23345.85076904297
5463 2  4  23345.85076904297
5464 2  0  25786.55157470703
3050 4  3 13227.870353221893
3051 4  5  6960.977005004883
3052 4  6  6960.977005004883
3053 4  7 3582.0121116638184
3054 4  0  3096.338333129883
3055 4  0  2604.194833278656
3056 4  0 6452.1861572265625
3057 4  2    2447.9052734375
3058 4  0  266.6192626953125
3059 4  3  266.6192626953125
3060 4  0   7081.40771484375
3061 4  1    6782.7939453125
3062 4  0    6782.7939453125
3063 4  0   7038.74853515625
3064 4  6   7038.74853515625
3065 4  0  15041.03581237793
3066 4  7  15041.03581237793
3067 4  0   5154.63916015625
3068 4  3   44727.2001953125
3069 4  0   7891.93017578125
3070 4  2   7891.93017578125
3071 4  3  8306.671447753906
3072 4  4 10622.414672851563
3073 4  1     7380.021484375
3074 4  0     7380.021484375
 800 3  9              16800
 801 3  2              12060
 802 3 10 14492.137939453125
 803 3  2              13200
 804 3  0              13200
 805 3  3              41192
 806 3  0   22124.1123046875
 807 3  5              22450
 808 3  6              22450
 809 3  7  37675.12646484375
 810 3  0              34440
 811 3  0              34440
 812 3  1    104402.56640625
 813 3  0    104402.56640625
 814 3  4              28360
 815 3  0              28360
 816 3  0              10120
 817 3  2  35118.61358642578
 818 3  0  35118.61358642578
 819 3  0      20531.8828125
 820 3  9              12570
 821 3  0              16176
 822 3  0              16176
 823 3  1 38801.344957351685
 824 3  0 34039.176513671875
   1 1  1              23300
   2 1  0              23300
   3 1  8              13200
   4 1  0              23610
   5 1 10              23610
   6 1  8               6586
   7 1  8              30000
   8 1  0              15650
   9 1  1    21901.494140625
  10 1  1 25350.987548828125
  11 1  3              39350
  12 1  5              39350
  13 1  6              26330
  14 1  7              26330
  15 1  0              14800
  16 1  9  21299.12939453125
  17 1  0 18023.751762390137
  18 1  0    19643.787109375
  19 1 10    19643.787109375
  20 1  0                600
  21 1  0                600
  22 1  8       95854.078125
  23 1  2       95854.078125
  24 1  3              23400
  25 1  4              23400
label values country countryn
label def countryn 1 "Austria", modify
label def countryn 2 "Switzerland", modify
label def countryn 3 "Belgium", modify
label def countryn 4 "Czech Republic", modify
Code to compute CIs and 95% CI
forval i = 1/4 {
        qui {
            conindex y if country==`i', rankvar(inc) truezero robust    
                gen CI`i' = r(CI)
                gen SE`i' = r(CIse)
                gen df`i' = e(df_r)
                gen lb`i' = CI`i' - invttail(df`i',0.025)*SE`i'
                gen ub`i' = CI`i' + invttail(df`i',0.025)*SE`i'
Thank you