index_admit patient_id afib newafib varnewafib
1 001 0 0 1
0 001 1 1 0
0 001 1 0 0
0 001 1 0 0
1 002 0 0 1
0 002 0 0 0
0 002 1 1 0
1 003 0 0 0
0 003 0 0 0
1 004 0 0 0
1 005 1 0 0
0 005 1 0 0
I have a dataset as given above where each row represents a hospital visit. The index_admit signifies the first admission for the patient. The afib variable is available. However I will like to obtain newafib and varnewafib. newafib is a variable that tells that if the patient has new afib that was not present on index hospitalization but was present afterwards. The varnewafib provides the value of 1 if a patient had "newafib" during the subsequent admission but it is given in the row where index_admit is 1.

I will really appreciate it.