Hi All!

I am currently running, let's just say 400 variations of, esttab command (from estout SSC; I use Stata 16) to make output for .tex files and I would like to automate naming the using filename.tex. For example:

est clear

eststo: reg y1 x1a x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y1 x1a x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y1 x1a x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename001.tex, replace

eststo: reg y1 x1b x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y1 x1b x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y1 x1b x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename002.tex, replace

eststo: reg y1 x1c x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y1 x1c x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y1 x1c x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename003.tex, replace

eststo: reg y2 x1a x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y2 x1a x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y2 x1a x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename004.tex, replace

eststo: reg y2 x1b x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y2 x1b x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y2 x1b x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename005.tex, replace

eststo: reg y2 x1c x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y2 x1c x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y2 x1c x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename006.tex, replace

eststo: reg y3 x1a x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y3 x1a x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y3 x1a x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename007.tex, replace

eststo: reg y3 x1b x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y3 x1b x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y3 x1b x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename008.tex, replace

eststo: reg y3 x1c x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y3 x1c x2 x3, robust
eststo: reg y3 x1c x2 x3, robust

esttab using filename009.tex, replace
As you can see, it is an easy task when I produce a few esttab, but I'd like to find a more efficient solution that would save me from manually typing the filename over and over again for 400 (or even more) of them. I am guessing that there could be a loop sequence altogether with the eststo: reg variations here and combining a local such as:

local numlist 1/400

<loop sequence here>
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
5. esttab using filename`numlist'.tex, replace
but I am not very good at making loop sequence especially when each eststo: reg includes different variable variations (I am guilty for not being an efficient coder. I usually begin with one set of code variation, and then copy the whole thing and paste it repeatedly after replacing the variable names in notepad). Any help is greatly appreciated!
