My data looks like this
fips2010 year cert acq_cert uno
51650010800 2010 11583 34837 1
51760030200 2010 11583 34837 1
54005958400 2010 34837 34837
54043955600 2010 34837 34837
54005958800 2010 34837 34837
54045956900 2010 34837 34837
I wanna be able to look up the two separate fips2010 when uno == 1 (that is fips numbers 51650010800 and 51760030200) in the block of fips when uno is missing. In other words I want to search for the 1st two fips one by one against the next 4 fips and see if there is a match or not. In case of match, I wanna generate a variable -- match == 1, cannot figure out how to go about doing it
The data is sorted on acq_cert and year and uno == 1 if acq_cert != cert and uno == . if acq_cert == cert
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