I want to conduct a Geographic Regression Discontinuity Design to compare municipalities on each side of provincial borders in Spain. I would like to compare municipalities that are within a fixed bandwidth away from the provincial border, and for that I need to calculate the minimum distance from each municipality to the closest point in the border.
I have two datasets:
The MAIN DATASET is a cross-section of all Spanish municipalities: one municipality = one observation. Then I have the variables:
- the Province where the municipality is located
- the latitude of the municipality
- the longitude of the municipality
- all other relevant socio-demographic variables…
My question is that I don´t know how to combine these two files to run the Geographic RDD.
Ideally I would like to run something like this.
Outcome_var = alpha + border_1 * beta1 + border_2 * beta2 ….. + f(d) + epsilon
Border_1: is a DUMMY that takes value 1 for municipalities on one side of the 1st provincial border (within X distance), takes value -1 for municipalities on the other side of the 1st provincial border (within X distance)… and value 0 for all other municipalities.
I have more than 30 relevant provincial borders, so more than 30 dummies to be included.
And f(d) indicating the shortest linear distance of a given municipality to the closest point of the provincial border.
Thank you very much Statalists!
Inigo de Juan
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