I have a panel dataset containing data on quality standard in international trade. I am trying to build a dummy variable equals 1 if importer i applies the standard l from exporter j in year t, 0 otherwise.

n 𝑙ijkt = {1,if importer i applies standard type l to product k from exporter j in year t
0,if no such standard is applied }

I attach here a sample of my data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str3 importer str6 product str4 standard str3 exporter int StartDate
"AFG" "010110" "A11" "WLD" 2011
"AFG" "010110" "A11" "JPN" 2011
"BFA" "010110" "A11" "FRA" 1997
"BFA" "010110" "A11" "IRL" 1997
"BFA" "010110" "A11" "NLD" 1997
"BFA" "010110" "A11" "PRT" 1997
"BFA" "010110" "A11" "CHE" 1997
"BFA" "010110" "A11" "GBR" 1997
"ECU" "010110" "A11" "WLD" 1999
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "AFG" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "ALB" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "DZA" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "AND" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "AGO" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "AZE" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "ARG" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "AUS" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "AUT" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "BHR" 1952
"DMA" "010110" "A12" "BGD" 1952
and a screenshot of the quantity of unique values:
Variable       Obs Unique      Mean   Min   Max  Label
importer   8454060     92         .     .     .  
product    8454060   5726         .     .     .  
standard   8454060     77         .     .     .  
exporter   8454060    234         .     .     .  
StartDate  8454060     99  2003.611  1887  2015  (min) StartDate
I am wondering if Stata has some command to deal with this high quantity of unique values when building dummies and if someone has any useful suggestion to solve this issue.
Thank you in advance for those who are willing to help!