I am trying to create a spatially lagged X variable to run a SLX type model

Issue: I get a compatibility error message when trying to generate the WX variable

I have strongly balanced panel data with a width of 25. Consequently, my inverse distance matrix is a 25x25 matrix. So I don't quite understand why the matrices would be incompatible i.,e. W(25x25)*X(25x1).


spmat lag double wTemperatureLag10 ID2 TemperatureLag10

where ID2 is my 25x25 inverse distance matrix and TemperatureLag10 is the X variable that I want to turn into a spatial lag WX variable.


. spmat lag float wInfectionRateLag10 ID2 InfectionRate
*: 3200 conformability error
SPMAT_lag(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error

thank you for your response.