Output of my regression model:
. xtreg ROA_win05 LnAssets TDTE CoAge c.l1.GSDiv##c.l1.GSDiv##Crisis if SICInclude ==1 & Excl_by > nd_delisting !=1 & Year !=7 & Year !=8 & Year !=9, fe note: cL.GSDiv#cL.GSDiv omitted because of collinearity note: 1.Crisis#cL.GSDiv#cL.GSDiv omitted because of collinearity Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 28,257 Group variable: ID Number of groups = 3,779 R-sq: Obs per group: within = 0.0832 min = 1 between = 0.2222 avg = 7.5 overall = 0.1183 max = 18 F(6,24472) = 370.38 corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.3518 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROA_win05 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- LnAssets | -2.357783 .0583975 -40.37 0.000 -2.472246 -2.24332 TDTE | 1.85e-07 5.84e-07 0.32 0.751 -9.59e-07 1.33e-06 CoAge | .0062312 .0097091 0.64 0.521 -.0127991 .0252616 | GSDiv | L1. | -4.02e-17 1.47e-16 -0.27 0.784 -3.28e-16 2.48e-16 | cL.GSDiv#cL.GSDiv | 0 (omitted) | 1.Crisis | .417749 .1020776 4.09 0.000 .2176708 .6178273 | Crisis#cL.GSDiv | 1 | 1.13e-16 1.91e-16 0.59 0.556 -2.62e-16 4.88e-16 | Crisis#cL.GSDiv#cL.GSDiv | 1 | 0 (omitted) | _cons | 23.62404 .4110291 57.48 0.000 22.8184 24.42968 -------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | 8.544612 sigma_e | 4.2479932 rho | .80182 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F test that all u_i=0: F(3778, 24472) = 16.15 Prob > F = 0.0000
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int(ID Year) double ROA_win05 float LnRev byte SICInclude double GSDiv 2162 2001 4.66 5.306781 1 .3228801767137001 2162 2002 8.14 5.372961 1 .3380697720011363 2162 2003 8.67 5.403128 1 .3094243238644552 2162 2004 9.96 5.519459 1 .3094243238644552 2162 2005 9.13 5.627981 1 .28362709611685805 2162 2006 8.63 5.689683 1 .29554141367598213 2162 2007 9.59 5.792099 1 .3048453732817755 2162 2008 7.49 5.835688 1 .2763202052461048 2162 2009 10.9 5.933306 1 .25363894692169137 2162 2010 16.8 6.082675 1 .13124869920165286 2162 2011 15.7 6.241055 1 .12415397163303724 2162 2012 16.5 6.346338 1 .17110928343404325 2162 2013 17 6.499035 1 .1985152433458725 2162 2014 16.1 6.622071 1 .20436253747814215 2162 2015 15.5 6.688354 1 .23243549494150262 2162 2016 15.8 6.756467 1 .21863185219221729 2162 2017 14.9 6.805944 1 .23243549494150262 2162 2018 12.3 6.881103 1 .23243549494150262 2162 2019 6.55 6.899017 1 .23243549494150262 end
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