Dear all,
I have run the same regression 11 times, with similar model specifications; the only difference is the number of leads for the outcome variables.
That is, I have run Yt+1, Yt+2....Yt+11.
After each regression I store the estimates with name l1, l2....l11
Then, I use coefplot with the intent to plot the estimate of beta1 for each of these 11 model specifications. This is the command:

 coefplot l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 l11, ///
vertical keep(beta1) ///
yline(0)  levels(99.9 99 95) asequation swapnames ///
legend(off) xlabel(0(1)12, angle(horizontal)) xtitle(Lead months) ///
ylabel(, angle(horizontal)) ytitle(Births)
I do not understand why SOME of the labels of the estimates are not aligned with the estimates drawn in the figure.
More specifically, labels 4-7 are aligned, while labels <4 and 7> are not aligned

Any suggestion?